Monday 5 August 2013

A day in Pulicat Lake

Pulicat Lake is the second largest brackish water lake in India. It flows through bordering the states of Tamilnadu and Andhrapradesh. Pulicat is described as one of the oldest ports of India, having found in the List of ancient ports from 1st century. Later, in the 13th Century came the Arabs, followed by Portuguese (the “Lady of Joys” church built by these mariners is in bad shape), and the Dutch.

So that is said about Pulicat. 
How will you find to spend the entire day?

A view at the lake from the bridge
My morning started with chirp sounds of birds. For those who are keen for bird- watching can find the early morning  the best because I spotted a wide range of Avifauna including Greater Flamingos, pelicans, kingfishers, herons, painted storks, spoonbills and ducks. It feels the best when you are watching the Sun rise especially, when you are standing on the bridge. Beneath, I found calm lake awaiting the return of boats from the sea. One has to feel the moment of golden rays of sun reflecting on the greenish lake. A walk down the bridge gulping down a bottle of water as passersby look at me, just before the end of the bridge turned right and entered the landing center. By now, it was about 6.15 AM faded effects of motor boats revving towards the landing center were heard and by every passing minute the rev became louder and louder as they broke the calmness of the place. In a glimpse, the entire landing center was bustling with activity, there were fishermen yelling  to their counterparts on properly transporting the catch from boat to the shed (where they land their fishes), some men spotted were wearing dhotis looked like wholesalers to me. I moved in closer to look at the catch, there were wide variety of fishes including Flatfishes, Anchovies, sea bass, tuna, mullets, any commercial fish you name them, they got it. If you are lucky enough and don’t mind bargaining with fisher folks you can fetch a kilo of crabs for just 130 Rs- fresh produce from mother nature. I was a wee bit tired and looked at my watch oh! It’s time for breakfast. Slowly drinking the left over water from my bottle I moved to a friend’s house to refuel myself.

Fishermen indulged in inland Fishing activities

My friend who is a native of the village advised me to take a boat ride into the lake. Following his words, I hired a boat and soon water was splashing on me I was travelling west gazing at the picturesque view of the lake probably 40 minutes have gone in jiffy I got down at Jamilabad – place where traditional boats are made the sound of hammer shaping the hull of the boats were pleasant to hear. I travelled further west into the lake to a place called Annamalicherry, it was a shallow region and I actually was allowed to get down from the boat and explore the surroundings. Water was so clear and I could actually look the mudflat ecosystem with juvenile shrimps, polychaetes, crabs, seaweeds. I got back into the boat not wanting to disturb the ecosystem further. I now traveled towards north from west part of the lake again those splashing water droplets, the boatmen stopped and asked me to have a look at the Buckingham canal he moved in a little closer to the canal and I could see Green Mussels attached to the walls at the entrance of the canal. After that, it was a long ride towards north and finally, I was having some companions – fellow fisher boats came to my view and at once I knew the boat was nearing the mouth of the lake. The boat had been stopped in a highland oh! Mother of nature has so many gifts for us to witness and experience in this world, the view at mouth of the Pulicat Lake is the beautiful sight one can imagine ever the great mighty ocean silence herself and enters the lake with astounding calmness. The mighty ocean finally finds her a place to relax, flowing into the lake with great silence but with the same majesty.
After an hour of splashing ride back, I got down at the landing center where boats were still making their way into from the sea with their catch. My mind was still on the highland near the mouth taking a 360-degree view of the region which I witnessed an hour back. I walked further and on the bridge I kept walking, I was back into realm of world when I reached the fish market.

I thank Mr. Vinodh for letting me experience it.